Pink Ribbon Puppies, Inc. is an all-volunteer organization. As a result, we are always looking for help!
There are plenty of ways to get involved...
- Donate!
We have plenty of costs -- the props, the printing, the website, etc. -- and the more those can be covered via donations, the more money ultimately goes to breast cancer research! We have pledged that 100% of the net proceeds (less only the print costs) of the calendar will be donated. We'd like to do the same for the other products, but we do need some working capital.
- Sell calendars and/or products
If you have an upcoming event where you'd like to sell calendars (or any of our other products), please contact us. We're putting together a sales kit to help track everything. In addition, if there is a specific product we don't currently offer but you think would be a huge hit, please contact us -- we might be able to make it happen.
- Donate services
Though the three of us that constitute Pink Ribbon Puppies have some skills.... we definitely need some help! In particular, we could use the services of a graphic designer, a public relations professional and a social media expert. In addition, we can always use help from crafty folks - those that can sew, paint, build, etc. We can't pay you in cash, but we can probably pay you in puppy breath!
- Donate space
We are currently working out of our homes but could really use a dedicated space - both for storage of the ever-expanding collection of pink and for packaging and shipping. In our dream world, the same space could be set up as a studio as well.
- Donate props
We're always looking for new pink props! Some are easy to find/make and are inexpensive -- others, not so much. We are currently looking for a pink retro kids' kitchen. If you have one (or something else you think would be fabulous) you are willing to lend or donate to us, please shoot us an email!
Loan us your puppies
If you are a reputable breeder with health-tested dogs OR you are a Dallas-based rescue organization and you have a litter of puppies that you think are the most adorable things ever and need to be pink ribbon puppies... please contact us! The ideal age for the photoshoots is typically 7-9 weeks, but it does depend on the breed. Basically, we're looking for alert but not fully crazy yet -- ears that will perk forward, but pups that can be manipulated a bit and will stay in one place... at least for a few seconds!
- Spread the word!
The easiest way to contribute! Help us get the word out -- share the website, like us on Facebook, tell everyone you know and everyone you meet!