
Hats off!!!

03 January, 2014 0 comments Leave a comment

Or Hats ON as the case may be! 

Hats off to one of Pink Ribbon Puppies' biggest fans and supporters-- Margaret Wilson!!  In October of 2013, shortly after the release of the 2014 Pink Ribbon Puppies calendars, Margaret approached Pink Ribbon Puppies with an idea for raising more money for the charity.  For several years, Labrador fanciers have known about Margaret's exclusive design winter caps featuring puppy silhouettes with wagging tails along the brim, as they are often hot items at silent auctions at specialty shows.  Margaret offered to hand-knit her cap with various pink yarns and donate them to us!!  Dozens of skeins of yarn and three months (and surely a couple sore fingers) later, she has donated over 50 caps in infant, toddler, youth, and adult sizes as well as a handful of requested brim-only headbands.  Each hat is made by hand on knitting needles and the puppies are all different colors, making each truly a one-of-a-kind item.  Margaret has been busy knitting away this winter break, and she has been building back up some inventory.  Check out our Hats section for ordering and price information!


Again, THANK YOU and Hats off to Margaret from all of us at Pink Ribbon Puppies!!!

Who wants to hear from the IRS?

29 December, 2013 1 comment Leave a comment

We do! 

We did. 

And we are thrilled about it!!!

Starting about 2 months after we filed our 501(c)(3) application with the IRS in August 2013 the anticipation began.  We had been told an application could take as few as two months, and up to eight months to process, but that ours was fairly straightforward.  We have no employees.  No storefront.  No vehicles.  Just three friends working together to raise money for breast cancer research.  And yet week after week, month after month, and a government shutdown in the mix, the mailbox was empty.  Well, not really.  We got junk mail.  And calendar payments.  And more junk mail.  And mail for the previous owner.  But nothing from the IRS.  So we waited.  And waited.  And waited.

The bank account showed that our check (yes, the IRS charges nonprofits 850 smackers just to apply for tax-exempt status) was cashed on September 9, 2013.  And yet still, three months later, we hadn't heard a thing.  So we waited.  And waited. And waited some more.

And then on Christmas eve, of all days, we got a gift from the IRS....

...we were approved!!! 

The effective date of the exemption is the date of formation in the state of Texas, which was May 7, 2013.  So all donations received after that date are able to be written off 2013 tax returns!  Anyone needing a receipt for a cash or gift donation, please email us at

And if you are still deciding which charities to support this year, our piggy bank would love your tax-deductible donation!

 Puppy dog kisses can cure a lot, but they can't cure cancer. 

Made in Texas!

15 October, 2013 1 comment Leave a comment

We've received some great feedback about the quality of the products we are offering, and are proud to support a local printing company right here in the great state of Texas!!  Print Place has done a phenomenal job for us with the printing of our calendars and greeting cards-- not only is the quality impressive, but their customer service can't be beat.

We were tickled pink to see their blog post about us.... so we're reciprocating!  If you have any print needs, check them out.  And tell Izzy the Pink Puppies sent you!!

And we're off!!!

26 September, 2013 4 comments Leave a comment

Welcome to Pink Ribbon Puppies!

What began as an idea for a simple three-day photo shoot of Labrador puppies at the start of the year, Pink Ribbon Puppies quickly morphed into much more! 

In April 2013, the three of us decided to take on the challenge of starting a non-profit organization to raise money for breast cancer research.  In our spare time.  WHAT WERE WE THINKING!?!?   Between us, we have fifteen dogs, three homes, one child, two part time jobs, volunteer commitments, business travel, oh and three full time jobs!!  So, none of us actually has much free time, but as with any passion, we made time for Pink Ribbon Puppies!   Over thirty photo sessions later with one of us behind the lens and another wrangling puppies... we've created some gorgeous images, and we have loads of ideas for more to come.  

So with Breast Cancer Awareness Month looming, it's time to officially open for business.  Our main product is our two wall calendars, individually shrink-wrapped and mailed flat worldwide (100% of net proceeds will go to The Breast Cancer Research Foundation™). But we're also offering a pocket calendar, magnets, note cards and greeting cards, and we have the ability to create custom orders from any of the images in the portfolio.

Our goal is to sell 1000 wall calendars in the month of October… Are you in???